I wanna start out this post by saying, you wanna come here and run your mouth like you're 14 years old and talk trash about my child, you're cool. Get a life, and grow the hell up. Psychos. You wanna disagree politely, go for it. But when you resort to name calling and petty insults (cough shelleybomb/deirdra cough) you're pathetic. I'll delete every comment you post, don't clog my blog with your ignorant filth.
Ok, let's start with one of my BIGGEST parenting pet peeves: anti
vaccination activists. 99% of anti vaccine activists that I have spoken
to spread nothing but misinformation and have no clue what they're
talking about, they just jumped on the bandwagon because it's the "in"
thing to do and are repeating whatever they were told by Google or their
neighbor or a Facebook page. If you're going to make a life decision
like that, AT LEAST do your research. And when I say research, I don't
mean some site written by a nutritionist who never went to medical
school, or by a celebrity or a therapist. I mean a real doctor or a
These are some examples of reasons you SHOULD vaccinate your children, and also corrections to many anti-vaccine myths:
Vaccines do NOT cause autism. Autism is genetic, not related to
vaccines at all. The man who came out with the British study "proving" a
link between the two, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, was outed as a complete
fraud, and anybody who still believes that crap is a complete idiot. A
lot of people like to say he was discredited on purpose and act like it
was some big conspiracy, when in reality he went on CNN and admitted
that he falsified results.
MMR vaccine and autism
CNN article calling British Study Linking Vaccines and Autism an Elaborate Fraud
2.When more and more people stop vaccinating, herd immunity dies, which
puts people who are immune compromised and can't get the vaccines at far
greater risk of developing infectious diseases that they would
otherwise have been protected from.
3. When people tell you all about the horrible "poisons" in vaccines,
they fail to take into account the AMOUNT of these chemicals that are
actually in the vaccines, which is SO miniscule that there is no way it
will actually "poison" you.
4. There is no link between SIDS and vaccines. Nobody knows the cause of
SIDS, if they did it wouldn't be called "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome".
The definition of SIDS is when an autopsy cannot determine the cause of
death in the SUDDEN DEATH of an infant. So people swearing that all of
this crap causes SIDS is ridiculous, because there's no way for anyone
to know that.
5. Doctors are not tricking you into vaccinating, they aren't lying to
you, and there is no secret hidden agenda to kill your kid and push
vaccines. My daughter is on Medicaid, do you really think her doctor
makes millions of dollars off vaccinating her? More like losing money.
Doctors are not paid by the number of vaccines they give or
prescriptions they write, so people who say that have absolutely no idea
what they are talking about.
6.Vaccines are so strictly regulated that it takes an average of 15
years and 800 million dollars of the manufacturers money to get a
vaccine licensed. Since 1990, the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) has
collected statistics from more than 7 million people in health plans who
have received vaccines. So after 800 million dollars, 15 years, and 22
years of collecting data, with vaccines still being strongly supported
by the medical community, I'm thinking I'll listen to somebody who went
to medical school over a celebrity or a facebook page, and you should
7. Whenever anyone tells you there is Mercury in vaccines, laugh at
them. A lot. There was never mercury in vaccines, there was a
Mercury-based preservative, Thimerosal, in most vaccines until 2002 when
they started removing it, and as of 2011 the only vaccines that still
contain Thimerosal are multi-dose flu shots and tetanus shots. The
difference between multi-dose and single-dose flu shots is the
packaging, multi-dose is a vial that stores enough vaccine for 10 shots
and therefore needs the preservative to keep it from being contaminated
by bacteria after opening. Single-dose are just what it says, either a
pre-filled syringe or a small plastic container only holding one shot.
If you are really that concerned about the presence of Thimerosal, find a
clinic offering single-dose shots or just don't get a flu shot at all. CDC Thimerosal and Flu Shots
8. Just because somebody's kid happened to die of SIDS 2 days after
getting vaccinated, or developed Tourette's or Asperger's, that does not
mean the vaccine is to blame. That's like saying I ate grapes earlier
and now I have heartburn, obviously grapes cause heartburn let's put an
insert in every grape saying it might give people heartburn. Or hey I
watched a scary movie yesterday and now I have an eczema outbreak, scary
movies must cause eczema. It's ridiculous.
9. Just because the insert says it, that doesn't mean it has actually
been scientifically proven without a doubt to be caused by vaccines. The
FDA wants to cover their asses, and therefore anything that hasn't been
proven NOT to be caused by vaccines that MAY be linked to vaccines is
in the insert. That doesn't mean that when one of the 6,000 rare
possible side effects happens to your kid that the vaccine is definitely
the cause.
Doctors do not make money off vaccines. They do not "push" vaccines
because they want to line their pockets. Doctors make nothing off
vaccines, and the companies that manufacture then actually LOSE money
because insurance companies pay less than what it costs to make them.
Doctors push vaccines to protect your child and keep them healthy, not
to get rich. Immunize For Good Study posted in Pediatrics
Some people like to say that people who are vaccinated get sick more
often than non-vaccinated people, but that is very untrue. The people
who say this fail to take into account that way more people are
vaccinated than aren't, and they look at numbers and percentages without
figuring that part in. If you have 100 people, 85 of them are
vaccinated and 15 are not. Say 10 of the vaccinated people got sick, and
only 3 of the non-vaccinated ones did. That makes it look like
vaccinated people are more likely to get sick, if you fail to account
for the fact that there are 70 more vaccinated than unvaccinated, so if
you look at percentages according to how many people there were, 20% of
the non-vaccinated people got sick, compared to 11.8% of the vaccinated
ones. CDC Common Misconceptions About Vaccinating
These are only a few of the reason why you NEED to vaccinate your
children. I'm going to post a few links below to reputable, informative vaccine sites.
VaccinateYourBaby.org (awesome pro vax site, very informative)
Immunize For Good
Lizz, thank you for the great information you shared here. You used credible sources and common sense. Keep up the good work, and kudos to you for standing up for what you believe in. Even if you do get bashed by a bunch of mean-spirited, hateful zealots for it. I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I have credible sources to back up every single thing I said, although I guess for some people having proof isn't enough.
DeleteI love your blog
ReplyDeleteJust a thought on point 8 you raised - Imagine you have taken your baby girl for her 1st MMR and she had slight fever after, was a little bit poorly but fine after some Calpol. Of course you trust your doctor because after all he knows what is best for your child right? You have then taken her to get her 2nd shot - she cries a lot during and after getting the injection and is inconsolable for the rest of the day, in the evening she suddenly gets a very high temperature and becomes lethargic and very unwell. You give her Calpol and call your GP who tels you it's nothing to worry about - just a side effect and it will pass. You trust your doctor and wait for the morning. Your little one continues to be very unwell, she is still running a temperature so you are taking her to the doctor to get her checked. You notice that the side of the injection has become red, warm and quite swollen. The doctor reassures you that this is all quite normal and sends you back home advising you to continue to give Calpol. Your little one did not ever become the child she used to be after this - she beginns to double up in pain every day, has terrible digestive problems and diarreah and has lost a lot of weight. She stops talking although she used to babble and chat all the time. You have to watch her losing the skills she had learned, being in pain almost all the time and suffering... Your doctor tells you there is nothing he can do - you see specialist after specialist but no one can help your little girl. What would you feel or think if you where in this situation? Would you continue to trust your doctor or would you start asking yourself if you may have made a mistake? Exactly this happens to thousands of mothers across the globe, it's not made up. Will you continue saying that these mothers don't tell the truth? Will you say they do not know what happened to their children? A mother has an instinct and knows what is wrong with her child don't you agree? I know you will remove this post as you did all the others but perhaps you will think before you do so.
ReplyDelete@ Smerelda, the mother in question should have used her instinct in the first place if the child was becoming unwell and sought a second opinion. Not one thing in this world works perfectly for every human being. Eg, some people are allergic to rain. But rain is not therefore detrimental to the rest of us. Some mothers just want to jump on the bandwagon and be against the govt. because it makes them appear more informed. Lizz is proving her point.
ReplyDeleteLizz I totally agree with you, especially about herd immunity. Remember, deadly disease is only a plane ride away. My son has never had any reaction to any injection and he is fully up to date with his shots. I consider it irresponsible to not do it.
First off I'd like to say WOW...I just found your blog and I LOVE IT!! You seem to take the time to consider all sides of an issue yet stand firm in your beliefs in a non-offensive manner...I enjoy reading your blogs :)
ReplyDeleteI am a single mother of 4...my 2 younger kids are on the autism spectrum...one higher functioning and my youngest has moderate/severe yet verbal autism.
I agree with you about Dr. Andrew Wakefield...he is a fraud and he set back Autism research that could help my children by decades!! You certainly did your homework on vaccines.
However, unless I missed a major breakthrough in Autism research to find cause and cure, I have seen no announcements to support your statement in # 1 "Autism is genetic"
All 4 of my children, our extended and immediate family on both my side and their dad's side, and I have undergone all the genetic testing and the doctors have found ABSOLUTELY NO genetic link...therefore I have to disagree with you on that. Again, I agree vaccines don't cause autism and autism is not linked to vaccines BUT, at this point, as far as I know and from all that I have read on all the research and studies done there is no 1 definite cause for Autism...I know that there are millions of cases that can be directly linked to genetics as a cause but there are also the millions that through genetic testing of the families have been proven to NOT be caused by genetics such as my children. There is absolutely no 1 known factor that can be pointed to as the reason this child is autistic and that child isn't...If it were just genetics, I believe researchers would have been developing tests to screen for that gene and a cure.
I wish we could point to anything any one "thing" that would just explain why my children are Autistic, when there 2 older siblings are not.
I love my amazingly unique children for the miracles that they are but I would not wish this life on any child and their family.
WooHoo. Love This! You have a respect for Things Past, I remember in the Mid 70s (The Height of the "SIDS Epidemic", See Below) when they Just Knew that the new Oral Polio Vaccine was causing it... I Walked Off Daily Debates after getting My Ass Flamed Off for suggesting that "SIDS" has a Significant Infanticidal Component, & also that most of the cases in the Amazin Autism Spike of Post-Y2K are in fact "Awtizzm", A related disorder that is diagnosed in a similar fashion to it's sound-alike cousin, is treated exactly the Same Way (@ the Same Price, too) but has a much higher Cure Rate after several Years' Therapy. Because Awtizzm is Fake. :-)