Thursday, February 23, 2012

Updated* Vaccinating

Ok, let's start with one of my BIGGEST parenting pet peeves: anti vaccination activists. 99% of anti vaccine activists that I have spoken to spread nothing but misinformation and have no clue what they're talking about, they just jumped on the bandwagon because it's the "in" thing to do and are repeating whatever they were told by Google or their neighbor or a Facebook page. If you're going to make a life decision like that, AT LEAST do your research. And when I say research, I don't mean some site written by a nutritionist who never went to medical school, or by a celebrity or a therapist. I mean a real doctor or a scientist.

These are some examples of reasons you SHOULD vaccinate your children, and also corrections to many anti-vaccine myths:

1. Vaccines do NOT cause autism. Autism is genetic, not related to vaccines at all. The man who came out with the British study "proving" a link between the two, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, was outed as a complete fraud, and anybody who still believes that crap is a complete idiot.
MMR vaccine and autism  
CNN article calling British Study Linking Vaccines and Autism an Elaborate Fraud

2.When more and more people stop vaccinating, herd immunity dies, which puts people who are immune compromised and can't get the vaccines at far greater risk of developing infectious diseases that they would otherwise have been protected from.

3. When people tell you all about the horrible "poisons" in vaccines, they fail to take into account the AMOUNT of these chemicals that are actually in the vaccines, which is SO miniscule that there is no way it will actually "poison" you.

4. There is no link between SIDS and vaccines. Nobody knows the cause of SIDS, if they did it wouldn't be called "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome". The definition of SIDS is when an autopsy cannot determine the cause of death in the SUDDEN DEATH of an infant. So people swearing that all of this crap causes SIDS is ridiculous, because there's no way for anyone to know that.

5. Doctors are not tricking you into vaccinating, they aren't lying to you, and there is no secret hidden agenda to kill your kid and push vaccines. My daughter is on Medicaid, do you really think her doctor makes millions of dollars off vaccinating her? More like losing money. Doctors are not paid by the number of vaccines they give or prescriptions they write, so people who say that have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

6.Vaccines are so strictly regulated that it takes an average of 15 years and 800 million dollars of the manufacturers money to get a vaccine licensed. Since 1990, the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) has collected statistics from more than 7 million people in health plans who have received vaccines. So after 800 million dollars, 15 years, and 22 years of collecting data, with vaccines still being strongly supported by the medical community, I'm thinking I'll listen to somebody who went to medical school over a celebrity or a facebook page, and you should too.

7. Whenever anyone tells you there is Mercury in vaccines, laugh at them. A lot. There was never mercury in vaccines, there was a Mercury-based preservative, Thimerosal, in most vaccines until 2002 when they started removing it, and as of 2011 the only vaccines that still contain Thimerosal are multi-dose flu shots and tetanus shots. The difference between multi-dose and single-dose flu shots is the packaging, multi-dose is a vial that stores enough vaccine for 10 shots and therefore needs the preservative to keep it from being contaminated by bacteria after opening. Single-dose are just what it says, either a pre-filled syringe or a small plastic container only holding one shot. If you are really that concerned about the presence of Thimerosal, find a clinic offering single-dose shots or just don't get a flu shot at all. CDC Thimerosal and Flu Shots

8. Just because somebody's kid happened to die of SIDS 2 days after getting vaccinated, or developed Tourette's or Asperger's, that does not mean the vaccine is to blame. That's like saying I ate grapes earlier and now I have heartburn, obviously grapes cause heartburn let's put an insert in every grape saying it might give people heartburn. Or hey I watched a scary movie yesterday and now I have an eczema outbreak, scary movies must cause eczema. It's ridiculous.

9. Just because the insert says it, that doesn't mean it has actually been scientifically proven without a doubt to be caused by vaccines. The FDA wants to cover their asses, and therefore anything that hasn't been proven NOT to be caused by vaccines that MAY be linked to vaccines is in the insert. That doesn't mean that when one of the 6,000 rare possible side effects happens to your kid that the vaccine is definitely the cause.

These are only a few of the reason why you NEED to vaccinate your children. This is a website explaining things further, I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU CHECK IT OUT, and I will also probably continuously update and re post this entry. (awesome pro vax site, very informative)


  1. You have obviously not done your research if you think the only people writing convincing anti-vaccination materials are illegitimate nutritionists and bloggers. I'm also not sure what makes you think that being a "real" doctor or scientist makes you more correct than someone who has dedicated as much or more time to a practice. It is ironic that the complaint of your article basically describes your own reasoning in the article. I don't only mean to be antagonistic, but seriously, do YOUR research. First, even if vaccines were more good for us than bad, denying that there's any danger to them is blind. Injecting your child with whatever the man in the white coat has is no better than someone who blindly rejects all vaccines.

    If you open your eyes to the possibility that profit margins have overextended their boundaries in the institutions most responsible for our health, changing your vaccine plan would only be the first change you'd feel compelled to make. Or, you'll choose to deny valid research by the very types of people you're demanding research from (silly, huh). Though their prestigious credentials don't necessarily make the conclusions of their research correct, it makes your premise for rejection COMPLETELY invalid.

    I hope you're truly concerned enough about your children to be objective about this information. You demand accredited doctors, researchers, and scientists. Well, you have them.

    There are also many books written by highly accredited authors that describe the dangers of vaccines. They are not all anti-vaccine books, either. And yes, there are plenty of blog articles out there with lots of good information too. I'm not sure what gives you the impression that they're all written by ignorant, unqualified people (reflection?), but if you're demanding "real" doctors and scientists, at least hear what they have to say when you see one of them is, in fact, and "real" doctor or scientist.

    1. Honey. Sweetie. Sugar Pie. Did I ever say there are no risks to vaccinating? When did I say that? Oh wait, i didn't, but nice of you to put words in my mouth. And I didn't make this blog post to debate with you, if you're that concerned take it here that is MY facebook page regarding vaccinations, so you can feel free to go there and tell me all about how wrong I am.

    2. Oh and as for your first site and I quote "Only if the answer provides you with a sense of security, move on to the next important question: what are their qualifications? The primary trick of the existing medical establishment is to get you to forget that first question - their real motivation - by dazzling you with what appears to be magnificently trustworthy qualifications." and then he goes on to describe all of his qualifications. Sooo. I think you see where I'm going with that.

    3. Oh and uh, that cute little website SCREAMS conspiracy theories. Talking about vanishing proof of deaths, words like "tyranny" and "heartless system based on broken ethics". And I'm supposed to take that seriously??? I want facts, not dramatic, sensationalized nonsense.

  2. No, you didn't say, "All vaccines are safe", but your entire post was trying to exonerate vaccines of any damage they've been accused of, just because it hasn't been proven by researchers you deem viable, supposedly because of their lack of credentials. Now I know that it has nothing to do with their credentials, contrary to what you said.

    Your observation of him talking about "dazzling you with ... qualifications" and then going on to give his qualifications is interesting but inconsequential. It says nothing about the validity of his credentials or his promotions.

    So, something sounds like a conspiracy, and you automatically dismiss it? Good thing there's never actually been a conspiracy, or we'd be screwed.

    Clearly you are not open to information that contradicts the mainstream medical orthodoxy. I guess our rates of disease are increasing for no reason, cause there's no way it would have anything to do with our food or medicine. That'd just be "nonsense".

    Suit yourself. I'm glad you think the website is cute.

  3. Let me start by asking you what you consider a "real" doctor ? Does a Naturopath, Chiropractor not count they have had the same medical training.. or how about Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny do they not count just to name a very select few.. Did you know Dr. Oz's wife does not vaccinate their children.. Hum.. bet you didn't. I find it funny that you like to call attention to Dr.Wakefield and his study, do you know who called him out.. Humm.. lets see a journalist. At least he was brave enough to speak the truth.. And did you know that Dr. Wakefield is currently taking said journalist to court.. probably not.. Our own government knows that these vaccines do in fact cause autism, cancer, auto-immune diseases.. It started with Mercury/Thimerosal.. and ANY amount ingested.. will cause DEATH.. but you go right ahead and inject !!! Maybe you should ask yourself would you drink one of these vaccines ?? Well would you ?? Do you know what would happen if you did.. I just told you.. Oh, and did you know that herd immunity is bullshit !!! Most adults do not get the required boosters that supposedly keep you "immune" ... so who is the real spreaders of disease.. Did you get your boosters.. bet you didn't !!!! Even funnier than that is most occurences of these disease are in the VACCINATED !! Yep.. I said it.. it's the truth.. look up the information for yourself.. You see it's all right there in the CDC webpage.. or is that not a reliable source of information to you.. Probably not.. You need to do A LOT more homework before YOU continue to spread disinformation.. Since you apparently need to do more research on this subject.. Check out or You won't but that is okay !!!! Good Luck !!!

    1. I have been on many times, so nice try buddy. Dr. Sears IS NOT anti-vaccination, holy crap. He is selective and delayed vax. None of you even understand what your hero really stands for. And no a Naturopath and a Chiropractor do not get the same medical training as every other doctor LOL. I'm not gonna listen to a doctor who never has any contact with vaccines about vaccines. Honestly, if I was gonna ask any medical professional about vaccines, it would be a pharmacist. Which oh hey, I live with a pharmacist, how about that. They have far more training when it comes to vaccines and medication than any MD. That would be like saying I'm gonna go talk to a pediatrist about vaccines, and I'm not going to lol. I guess I should have been more specific and said doctors with a RELEVANT field of study or expertise. My bad. Oi vey...

    2. Oh and if even the tiniest amount of Thimerosal will kill you, why aren't we all dead? By that reasoning, I should be dead. I just think it's really funny that almost every anti-vax person who tells me how I'm the one who is ignorant and wrong spouts conspiracy theories non-stop, like that the government knows that vaccines kill people they just lie to us about it blah blah blah. Is Bigfoot real too? If you read on the internet that Koolaid causes autism would you spout that all over the place? You probably would.

    3. And ONCE AGAIN, the only vaccines containing Thimerosal are multi-dose flu vaccines and tetanus shots. So if you're so concerned, don't get them.

    4. Since you referenced the CDC website which yes I take it seriously since I linked it in my post (wtf? kind of obvious) here is a link explaining your little theory that vaccinated people get more diseases than unvaccinated. Vaccinated people account for more diseases because more people are vaccinated. Say 50 people are vaccinated, 10 are not. 5 of those people got sick, while 2 of the non-vaxxed ones did. Statistically speaking, 5 is more than 2. But you fail to take into account that there are 5 times as many vaxxed and un-vaxxed in what I just said, you just look at the numbers and percentages.

    5. With that being said dear, What you're saying is that despite being vaccinated and unvaccinated, everyone is still getting sick....hmmm?

  4. AVannatta, you are the one who should do some research. You sound insane to be frank. A typical anti-vaxer who eliminates elements that don't fit into their agenda. Like you did with your whole "more vaxed people catch diseases than unvaxed" argument. Of course they do, considering the majority of the population is vaccinated. The NUMBER does not matter, the PERCENTAGE does. And sorry to burst your delusional bubble, but a higher percentage of unvaxed people catch diseases. Maybe you should check out this link. From the CDC.

  5. If vaccines work, then why are vaccinated people getting the diseases at all?!?! Please explain that to me.

  6. Wow, I feel sorry for you and your kids!! You arfe the one babe who has no idea what your talking about!

  7. Lizz, I vaccinate because I know someone personally who's infant died from whooping cough because she and her husband did not get vaccinated because they were anti-vac and now she tells me she will regret it for the rest of her life. There are certain things I do not get vaccinated for, but I have done my research and read stories/knowledge from both sides and I, as a parent, CHOOSE to have my daughter get her vaccines. & Liz-I love you.

    1. Aww I love you too lol. I just don't see how people don't worry about their kids getting a horrible disease from not vaccinating, it's sad to me.

  8. Ok, lets forget about the debate of whether vaccines cause harm or are good for, I just want everyone to think about this fact. There are NO STUDIES done comparing the overall health of vaxed bc unvaxed kids. Why is it that? Don't you think that with how much doctors like to brag about thief work, they would want to have something proving that these bad do make our kids healthier? Also, no one can deny that kids today are models of great health. Autism, allergies, ear infections, colds, flus, etc. I'm not saying vaxing is the only cause of that, but they've gotta have something to do with that. Anyway, not looking to jump in the debate, just wanted to point that out and maybe give someone something to think about.

  9. Liz, not ALL anti vaxxers are uneducated. I am going to calmly tell you my reasons why I dont vaccinate. I am NOT going to call you names or degrade you. I WILL however say that your post is degrading a bit to those of us who do not vaxx and I think that might be some of the reasons people get a bit antagonistic. You imply that we are uneducated ect ect, when some of us are actually very very educated. My husband IS a Dr. He is a chiropractor and he is also a Licensed Nurse Practitioner. NOW I bet almost every time you go into the Dr.'s office your actually seeing an NP. Most people do. He also took special classes about vaxxing and PEDS. We do NOT vaxx and our children now a healthy 6 and 7 yrs old have never had more than a common cold. Now I am not that psycho mom that only gets organic foods from organic animals who's farmers live in organic houses blah blah blah lol, I try and feed my kids healthy and sometimes I take them to Mcdonalds. I am a normal everyday mom. When I first began researching vaccines , I kinda thought people were a little crazy and stupid to. Then I started just reading the ingredients of vaccines, and those ingredients are very very dangerous. I do not believe that vaccines can not cause autism. I think that possibly the combinations of metals and chemicals can in fact react with the cellular structure of a person and cause an adverse reaction like autism. Just like its possible for someone to eat a strawberry and break out in hives. I like to think of it as an allergic reaction so to speak. The big thing recently is the danger of MSG. We all agree that MSG is bad right? Well its in vaccines. The theory behind vaccines is a good one. I truly believe that. BUT untill someone can provide me a vaccine that is medically proven to NEVER cause an adverse reaction then I choose to not take even that little risk with my children. With the right vitamins and good lifestyle then their immune systems are strong. I would never let my kids into the car and not buckle up even for a trip to the gas station less than 1/2 mile up the road. I would never inject them with the smallest poisons and hope that they dont get hurt. I hope that my reply has given you a little more insight into what us non vaxxers are actually thinking. I try to move past the name calling and degrading remarks and hold an adult civilized conversation and I truly hope this reply reflects that. I am not going to cite websites and articles simply because you have them, interpret them as you will. I truly hope that you have a nice day and if you have further questions I am open to holding a further conversation with you. I will not however reply back to name calling, hurtful or hateful comments ect ect. :) Peace be will you all.

  10. I think the only thing that is important in this debate is that we as parents all have the unrestricted right to choose the medical interventions our children are submitted to and that those choices should be fully informed choices with parents directed to web sites/sources that cover both sides of the arguements before they are allowed to vaccinate or sign a waver form. I think parents should have to sign forms saying that they have visited the web sites and are fully informed of the pro's and con's regarding vaccines at the doctors office not forms removing liability (which you don't have to sign with any other drug given so manufacturers and doctors should stand by their product and advice with these drugs also). If it can not be proven that vaccines caused the death or injury of a child then the vaccine companies and doctors should not have anything to fear with regard law suites as there would be no evidence to support a law suite through court. government should not be involved in protecting companies from liability IF their products cause death or injury in a truely capitalist society. It is also against our constitutional rights to force us to undergo any medical intervention without our informed concent. People in a free country should be free to vaccinate or not without being bullied, harassed, belittled, denied further medical attention,subjected to termination from their job(e.g.nurses, etc.who do not want to have vaccination), denied access to education, etc.

  11. Lizz, I hope you have something alcoholic on hand and some good bubble bath. After the baby goes to bed, pour a glass and have a nice, relaxing bath and know that you are a great mom, you are doing a great job, these numnuts who do not vaccinate their children can go piss off, and you are spot on with everything you said. Bravo!

    IPOVC on facebook

    1. Lol thank you. I actually deleted the really nasty comments off this post, there were ones that were far worse that I didn't want clogging up my blog.

    2. See thats what I am talking about... Kathy by saying "these numnuts who do not vaccinate their children can go piss off, " you are adding fuel to an already heated fire...why? why call names? why be antagonistic? I don't understand?!!! I am not that way and was not that way in my post at all? I guess I don't understand the childishness of it all

    3. uhh did you happen to see all the hateful, nasty comments anti-vaxxers left on here??? I deleted the really awful ones.

    4. I did and I am truly sorry that you get that hatred and awfulness for your opinion...welcome to my world lol :) Its a vicious circle unfortunately but eventually someone has to just stand up and say ok I'm not going to feed this with more stupid. Sadly its still illegal to stab someone just for being stupid..... but I have my eye on a few just in case that law passes hahahahahahahah :) Lizz I do truly appreciate that you did NOT respond to my post with hatred or antagonism. Thank for you that from my heart. I truly believe that you an I,(a couple of tattooed pierced) moms could sit down and calmly, adultly have a discussion about this subject and I am more than willing to do so if ever you are. Have a good day, dont let the kids drive you to crazy and hollar anytime at me :))))
