Sunday, February 26, 2012

Big IS Beautiful

                I have posted about this before, but i feel I should do it again. I hear a lot of bigger women put themselves down and talk about how they feel ugly and hate themselves and hate how they look. Being overweight may not be the healthiest thing in the world, but it DOES NOT make you ugly! Some of the most gorgeous women I know are plus sized. You can be big and still be beautiful. Weight and beauty do not go together, you can weigh 400 lbs and still be gorgeous. Plus size women need to stop looking at all these 110 lb celebrities and supermodels and thinking that is how you have to be or what you have to look like in order to be attractive, because it is 100% false.
              Confidence plays a huge part in how people perceive you. If you have confidence and class, it shows. Regardless of your weight, remind yourself every single day how beautiful you are. Ignore the haters, because if they have nothing better to do with their time than be nasty and insult you, they're the ones who are pathetic and obviously have something missing in their lives to feel the need to put somebody else down. If you feel fat and unattractive and think you're ugly, it shows. Carry your weight well and with confidence, you are gorgeous no matter what anybody says, and if you remember that other people will be able to tell, and confidence and self-respect looks good on anyone.
              I know a lot of bigger women who say that because of their self-esteem issues and negative self-image they feel like no matter how hard they try they never look pretty, so they just don't bother. That is a HORRIBLE way to think. I know it can be hard shopping as a big woman, but there are places you can go that aren't super over priced. Wal Mart has really cute plus size clothes for fairly cheap, and I shop at a lot of urban stores marketed more towards black women because they tend to have a much larger selection of bigger clothes that are cute. If you walk around in sweat pants and baggy t-shirts and ponytails and you never wear makeup, you're telling everyone around you that you don't care about yourself enough to make the effort. Do your hair, put on makeup, buy a cute outfit and see if that doesn't make you feel so much better about yourself. Trust me, it will.
              I also see a lot of women get really down on themselves after having a baby. I gained A LOT of weight from having my daughter, I am 100 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight. You had a baby. You created a beautiful life inside you, and carried them for 9 months. Pregnancy and child birth takes a huge toll on your body, and it takes a while to recover. Most women do not just zap right back to their pre prego size, it takes effort for most of us who were not blessed like that. You gained weight because you created a beautiful child, and creating life is never something that should make you feel bad. You should feel accomplished for it, and remember that the extra weight is a consequence of creating the thing you love most in the entire world, and that is was more than worth it to have that beautiful baby.
              The most important thing you can do is LOVE YOURSELF and realize that inner beauty has a lot to do with outer beauty. If someone is an ugly human being, I have a hard time finding them attractive even if they're gorgeous on the outside. If you have a great personality and you're a good person, it shows on the outside. You need to think about all the good things you have going for you, whether it's a great sense of humor or you have a beautiful voice or you're artistic or a fantastic cook or a great mother. Always remind yourself that you have a lot of things to be proud of, and a lot to offer the world. Nobody else can love you until you learn to love yourself. How you view yourself is FAR more important than what anyone else thinks, and the people who matter are going to love you no matter if you weigh 80 lbs or 500. If somebody is shallow enough to judge you by your weight even though you have so much more to offer, then they aren't worth your time to begin with.

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