Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Biggest Loser

Before I had my daughter I was pretty chunky, and after I had her I gained 100 lbs above my already chunky weight. I always say that weight doesn't define beauty and you can be big and still be gorgeous, and that is very true, I still believe that. However, today I weighed myself and I actually gained 5 lbs. After I saw that I was extremely disappointed, and instead of eating a piece of pizza like I had been planning, I turned on The Biggest Loser on Netflix and got out the elliptical, and essentially busted my ass for 25 minutes. I'm sweating buckets but I definitely prefer that to pizza. Every time I watch this show it makes me cry, like I was legitimately sobbing while working out. I watch it and I see how hard these people work and that they have to leave their children and their families, and I see how bad their health is and how most of them are at least pre diabetic if not full blown, with a way higher risk for heart attacks and other health problems, and I don't want my 8 month old to lose her mom, or to think it's ok to weigh over 300 lbs and sit in front of the computer and tv all day instead of exercising. Joint problems run in my family, and I don't want to end up like my mother who hobbles everywhere and can barely walk upstairs, and has trouble walking at all and needs a knee replacement that she can't even get because of her weight. I want to be able to have another child in a couple years and not have my weight possibly effect my pregnancy, and be able to take cute belly pictures, and I couldn't do that at this point. I want to be able to run around with my children and play with them without getting out of breath. If I want to do all these things I need to make a SERIOUS change in my habits, I don't eat too terribly but I eat too much and I don't exercise NEARLY enough. Even with my current habits if I just worked out half an hour a day on the elliptical I should start losing weight. Looks are not a valid reason to lose weight, but health is. I want to be healthy for my daughter if not for myself. I think I'm pretty that isn't the issue, and when I watch this show I realize how unhealthy I really am because there are people on here who weigh LESS than I do who are pre diabetic and their inner age is almost twice their actual age. It's a major motivator, I can say that much.


  1. You are absolutely gorgeous and I totally support your journey to a healthier you 110%!!!!

    As soon as this baby is out, I'm doing the same thing. Lets get healthy babayyy!!
