Sunday, March 4, 2012


                 Some people may not like this post and find it offensive, but personally I couldn't care less. I do not like affirmative action, and I do not like black history month. Everybody makes a huge deal out of it being black history month, but why isn't there a white history month, or a Jewish history month, and why doesn't anyone care about September being hispanic heritage month? Or better yet, why can't there just be an AMERICAN history month? It's ok for African Americans to have all black schools, all black tv stations, all black magazines, but if there was any of that stuff for whites it would be considered racist. A black girl can talk smack to me for being white and that's acceptable, but if I talk smack to her for being black then I'm a horrible person and everyone is outraged. If people would stop acting like blacks, whites, Mexicans, Asians, whatever are all completely different and treating them differently, racism wouldn't be as much of a big deal.
                  I do not like Affirmative Action. I think at one point it was necessary, but now it's just ridiculous. Employers should hire based ONLY on who is the best person for the job, not have to fill a quota of a certain number of minorities and a certain number of handicapped and a certain number of women. It should be based on skills and qualifications, not skin color. It's absurd that even though I deserve a job, I could be passed over just because I'm white and they need more diversity. A big reason that racism is still an issue is because of the special treatment given to minorities, specifically African Americans. I also do not like Black History Month, because it makes it seem like African Americans are different from the rest of us. There should be AMERICAN history month, a month dedicated just to people without differentiating based on skin color or heritage. Singling out one race defeats the point of equality, that isn't equality at all.
                  There are all black colleges, all black magazines, the BET network which is targeted towards African Americans, but if there was any of that stuff for whites people would be very quick to throw a fit and be outraged and offended and say it was racist. How is it ok for one race to have their own stuff separate from the rest of us, but nobody else can? Having all of these things is just singling out blacks and once again treating them like they're different from the rest of us. It's almost like minorities are allowed to discriminate and seclude themselves but whites can't or it's wrong. I don't think any race should be able to single themselves out and have special tv stations or anything else that's just for them, I think it's wrong no matter what color your skin is. Having all this stuff geared towards people with a certain skin color is only segregating yourself, by doing things like that and excluding other races it just reinforces the race barriers rather than tearing them down. Even Morgan Freeman, one of the most educated black men I have ever seen, thinks that Black History Month is ridiculous and unnecessary and promotes stereotypes and segregation rather than getting rid of them.
                   Contrary to popular opinion, not only white people are racist. I know plenty of blacks who are racist against white people, and oddly enough nobody cares. Nobody is gonna make a huge deal about a black girl talking smack to me and calling me white girl, but if I did the same thing to her I would probably get jumped and called a racist and a horrible person. Racism is wrong no matter what your skin color is, and there is just as much racism towards whites as there is towards other races. Allowing other races to bash whites and if it's the other way around it's a hate crime is hypocrisy at it's finest, and it should be considered wrong and offensive no matter what, but it's not. That isn't equality, that's giving special treatment to certain people just because their skin color ISN'T white. It's not any harder to be black than it is to be white or purple or green or anything else. It's hard to be a person, life can be tough regardless of your skin color or heritage, and to say it's harder for a certain person based only on the color of their skin is ridiculous. In the 1960's that was true, but it's 2012 and ignorance and bigotry come in every color.
                    I know people are going to read this and be outraged and offended and call me ignorant or a racist, and they will only be proving my point so have at it. People should just be people, NOBODY should get special treatment or special accommodations based on the color of their skin. If people want equality, everything should actually be equal. It should be considered wrong and ignorant and a hate crime to hate anyone based on their skin color, not only blacks. Nobody should be judged based on their race, and all of the things I mentioned in this post do nothing to promote equality, they actually do the opposite.


  1. I agree with you on the black history month. My kids are half black. I think there should definitely be lessons taught on the slavery and racial injustice that happened in the world, but I agree, where's the white history month? native american history month? Also, you say racism isnt as big of an issue as it once was, i completely disagree! Its still alive and well, just more well-hidden! You are white, so you likely dont encounter it as someone of color would. Ive experienced it firsthand, being native american + white and looking like im mexican.

    1. Yeah I actually changed the wording on that one.

  2. I watched a show about KKK in america and there was a man who was well known for being a member (cant remember his name) who said something I actually found myself agreeing with, it was something to the effect of, blacks and other minorities have all sorts of organizations for the betterment of their races, why should the whites not be allowed to have the same? Kinda makes sense...... of course without the lynching and murder KKK is also known for.... lol

  3. I totally agree :) but you already know that. Black history should be taught AS history, not singled out making an obvious differentiation between races. That's exactly what keeps racism going :) I'm not against black history, I just think it should just be history.

  4. It's like you read my mind and wrote it down!! I work with many different races and have noticed that they are always quick to play the race card when they don't get what they want or don't like something. It's time we start realizing we are all HUMAN BEINGS-it doesn't matter what color you are-we're all the same. They all cry they want to be treated equally but then fall back on the race card and that's why they deserve special treatment. SCREW THAT. If you're an idiot it doesn't matter what color you are-you're still an idiot!!! Keep up the awesome work LOSM!! I love reading your stuff!!!

    1. Thanks :) My cousin is a pharmacist, and every time she pisses a customer off they pull the race card and call her a racist bitch. First off, she's part black. Second, she isn't racist she just works in the ghetto and there's a lot of ignorant hoodrats who come into the store. It has nothing to do with their skin color, it has to do with their ignorance and rude behavior.

  5. So what do you think of hispanics being singled out on most jop apps and govt. you think they violate right to privacy by asking if you are hispanic or if you recieve govt. assistance? Curious what your stance on this is?

    1. I'm kind of on the fence about this one. I know the reason they ask is because they don't want to hire/give assistance to illegal immigrants, but it still kind of doesn't seem right to single somebody out just for being Hispanic. Although really I don't think it means that they won't hire you as long as you're a citizen of the US. Sooo I guess I don't see much of a problem with it, although I can see why someone who is Hispanic might think differently.

  6. fyi, november is native american month. because white america has an ironic sense of humor...
