Saturday, August 31, 2013

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Vaccine Conspiracy

            Ok, so I'm a big lamewad and haven't posted in this in over a month, I know. But I saw something on an anti-vaccine site that annoyed the piss out of me, not like that's unusual. They made a post about how a pro vax site was posting screen shots of their page on an "anti-vax wall of shame" and how it's against Facebook rules blah blah fine whatever. I read the comments (big mistake) and it made me wanna rip my hair out. Do people not realize that swearing that the CDC and the FDA and the government are all lying to you and want to kill your children makes you sound completely nuts? What reason exactly would the CDC have to want to push vaccines that will kill you? Vaccines DO NOT make a lot of money, nobody gets rich off vaccines, they get rich off Prozac and Viagra and "lifestyle drugs" that need to be taken every day, not on the vaccine your kid gets every 2 months. I get it, anti-vaxxers have a truckload of ridiculous reasons why vaccines are so bad and you're poisoning your children, but going around spouting conspiracy theories about how everyone is out to get you and your doctor and the CDC and everybody else is lying to us cuz they want us to get sick and die is completely fucking insane. I am honestly baffled that people really believe that nonsense. I'm not saying the government never lies to us, they most certainly do, however they have no valid reason and nothing to gain by lying to us about vaccines that will kill us and make us sick. I also saw a girl post about how her mother was paralyzed by the flu shot, which does happen in VERY rare instances. And by rare I mean about one out of one million people who get the flu shot develop GBS (Guillain Barre Syndrome) because of it. Guillain Barre Syndrome occurs when the body attacks the nervous system, it can be caused by any sort of infection, and is seen a lot in respiratory illnesses. In my opinion, a one out of a million chance of developing a rare condition that you could also develop if you get bronchitis or have diarrhea is not a valid reason to say all vaccines are bad.

Here is a link that talks about the link between the flu vaccine and GBS:
GBS and the Flu Shot

Monday, March 19, 2012

Albert Einstein

                 People might think I'm a major bitch, and in a lot of ways that is completely true. However, when you give me the chance to be, I am the best friend you could ever have. I stick by the people I care about no matter what, and even if they're wrong I still do my best to have their back and support them, even if they don't think so because I tell them the truth and that I think they're making a mistake. If somebody I care about has a problem or something going on in their lives, I am more than happy to listen and help as much as I can. However, there comes a point when I just can't take it, when I can't listen to somebody make the same shitty choices and the same mistakes over and over. It hurts me to watch somebody I care about screw themselves over when they refuse to listen to anything I or anyone else has to say. I understand that everybody is free to make their own choices in life, but I can't listen to somebody I care for cry to me on a regular basis and do nothing to fix their situation, especially when I become the bad guy for trying to help or give advice, or just for telling them the truth. I'm not the kind of person who's gonna sugarcoat my words or agree with you on everything, it's just not who I am. If I think you're being stupid, I'm gonna tell you you're being stupid. After a while it takes an emotional toll on me to listen to somebody tell me all these horrible things and be such a Debbie Downer all the time while doing nothing to change their situation or fix their problems. Albert Einstein said it best "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." And as a friend, it's hard to watch somebody keep doing the same things with the same shitty results. I don't think it makes me a bad friend or a bad person not to be able to deal with it after a while, and to end a friendship or just kind of distance myself from somebody who becomes toxic because they are in a toxic situation. There comes a point where you have to put yourself first; when a relationship starts doing more harm than good, be it a family, a friend, or a significant other.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


                 A viral video called Kony 2012 has been circulating all over Facebook. For those of you who haven't seen it, it is about Joseph Kony, who has been trafficking children in Africa for 23 years. He has raped and abused over 30,000 children, forced them to work as sexual slaves for grown men, forced them to work as militants, and made them torture and kill their own parents. It has been going on for decades and nobody knew about it. First off, the fact that nobody was aware that it was happening is messed up, but the people who are now aware of it that are saying who cares, there's nothing we can do to stop it, people are just sheep it's been happening for 23 years and now all of a sudden it's cool to care disgust me. That kind of indifference and shitty me-first attitude is what lets this kind of thing continue, because nobody cares.
                 Snooki's pregnancy has been all over the news and all over the internet, but the murder, rape, and abuse of over 30,000 children went unnoticed. Is it just me, or is that beyond messed up? It says a lot about our society and the world we live in when a reality show airhead getting knocked up is more important than the suffering of thousands of kids. Teen Mom stars make 200,000 dollars a season and are all over tv and magazines and the internet just for getting pregnant while still in high school, while kids in Africa are being beaten and starved and forced into sexual slavery, and nobody seems to have a problem with that. Personally, I find it disgusting and think it speaks for our society as a whole that people care more about celebrity gossip than world issues. If reality TV is more important to you than human suffering, you need to take a good long look in the mirror and think about what kind of person you really are.
                   I have seen an appalling number of people saying they don't care and we can't do anything about it so it's not important, or that it's been happening for decades and we didn't do anything about it so why do we care now. Most people were not aware that this has been going on for decades, and now that we are aware we need to spread the word because IT MATTERS. You're sitting on your laptop or your smartphone in your nice clothes with indoor plumbing and a fridge full of food talking about how HUMAN SUFFERING doesn't matter and isn't important. When have you honestly suffered? When have you been starved and beaten and forced to torture and kill your loved ones, or used as a sex toy at the age of 10? I'm not saying you need to sell all your possessions and donate the money to charity, but the least you can do is care. Ignorance isn't cool. Selfishness isn't cool. Going against the grain and saying you don't give a crap about atrocious crimes being committed against children is horrible and selfish and makes you sound like a terrible person. YOU are the kind of person that allowed these kind of things to keep happening. I cannot stress enough that if everyone was aware of world issues and cared about people other than themselves, something would be done about things like this. People would listen, governments would listen instead of turning a blind eye. INDIFFERENCE is as much to blame for atrocities being allowed to continue as the people who actually commit the heinous acts, and that needs to change.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


                 Some people may not like this post and find it offensive, but personally I couldn't care less. I do not like affirmative action, and I do not like black history month. Everybody makes a huge deal out of it being black history month, but why isn't there a white history month, or a Jewish history month, and why doesn't anyone care about September being hispanic heritage month? Or better yet, why can't there just be an AMERICAN history month? It's ok for African Americans to have all black schools, all black tv stations, all black magazines, but if there was any of that stuff for whites it would be considered racist. A black girl can talk smack to me for being white and that's acceptable, but if I talk smack to her for being black then I'm a horrible person and everyone is outraged. If people would stop acting like blacks, whites, Mexicans, Asians, whatever are all completely different and treating them differently, racism wouldn't be as much of a big deal.
                  I do not like Affirmative Action. I think at one point it was necessary, but now it's just ridiculous. Employers should hire based ONLY on who is the best person for the job, not have to fill a quota of a certain number of minorities and a certain number of handicapped and a certain number of women. It should be based on skills and qualifications, not skin color. It's absurd that even though I deserve a job, I could be passed over just because I'm white and they need more diversity. A big reason that racism is still an issue is because of the special treatment given to minorities, specifically African Americans. I also do not like Black History Month, because it makes it seem like African Americans are different from the rest of us. There should be AMERICAN history month, a month dedicated just to people without differentiating based on skin color or heritage. Singling out one race defeats the point of equality, that isn't equality at all.
                  There are all black colleges, all black magazines, the BET network which is targeted towards African Americans, but if there was any of that stuff for whites people would be very quick to throw a fit and be outraged and offended and say it was racist. How is it ok for one race to have their own stuff separate from the rest of us, but nobody else can? Having all of these things is just singling out blacks and once again treating them like they're different from the rest of us. It's almost like minorities are allowed to discriminate and seclude themselves but whites can't or it's wrong. I don't think any race should be able to single themselves out and have special tv stations or anything else that's just for them, I think it's wrong no matter what color your skin is. Having all this stuff geared towards people with a certain skin color is only segregating yourself, by doing things like that and excluding other races it just reinforces the race barriers rather than tearing them down. Even Morgan Freeman, one of the most educated black men I have ever seen, thinks that Black History Month is ridiculous and unnecessary and promotes stereotypes and segregation rather than getting rid of them.
                   Contrary to popular opinion, not only white people are racist. I know plenty of blacks who are racist against white people, and oddly enough nobody cares. Nobody is gonna make a huge deal about a black girl talking smack to me and calling me white girl, but if I did the same thing to her I would probably get jumped and called a racist and a horrible person. Racism is wrong no matter what your skin color is, and there is just as much racism towards whites as there is towards other races. Allowing other races to bash whites and if it's the other way around it's a hate crime is hypocrisy at it's finest, and it should be considered wrong and offensive no matter what, but it's not. That isn't equality, that's giving special treatment to certain people just because their skin color ISN'T white. It's not any harder to be black than it is to be white or purple or green or anything else. It's hard to be a person, life can be tough regardless of your skin color or heritage, and to say it's harder for a certain person based only on the color of their skin is ridiculous. In the 1960's that was true, but it's 2012 and ignorance and bigotry come in every color.
                    I know people are going to read this and be outraged and offended and call me ignorant or a racist, and they will only be proving my point so have at it. People should just be people, NOBODY should get special treatment or special accommodations based on the color of their skin. If people want equality, everything should actually be equal. It should be considered wrong and ignorant and a hate crime to hate anyone based on their skin color, not only blacks. Nobody should be judged based on their race, and all of the things I mentioned in this post do nothing to promote equality, they actually do the opposite.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm posting this again just to bother people -VACCINES UPDATE 3

 I wanna start out this post by saying, you wanna come here and run your mouth like you're 14 years old and talk trash about my child, you're cool. Get a life, and grow the hell up. Psychos. You wanna disagree politely, go for it. But when you resort to name calling and petty insults (cough shelleybomb/deirdra cough) you're pathetic. I'll delete every comment you post, don't clog my blog with your ignorant filth.

Ok, let's start with one of my BIGGEST parenting pet peeves: anti vaccination activists. 99% of anti vaccine activists that I have spoken to spread nothing but misinformation and have no clue what they're talking about, they just jumped on the bandwagon because it's the "in" thing to do and are repeating whatever they were told by Google or their neighbor or a Facebook page. If you're going to make a life decision like that, AT LEAST do your research. And when I say research, I don't mean some site written by a nutritionist who never went to medical school, or by a celebrity or a therapist. I mean a real doctor or a scientist.

These are some examples of reasons you SHOULD vaccinate your children, and also corrections to many anti-vaccine myths:

1. Vaccines do NOT cause autism. Autism is genetic, not related to vaccines at all. The man who came out with the British study "proving" a link between the two, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, was outed as a complete fraud, and anybody who still believes that crap is a complete idiot. A lot of people like to say he was discredited on purpose and act like it was some big conspiracy, when in reality he went on CNN and admitted that he falsified results.
MMR vaccine and autism  
CNN article calling British Study Linking Vaccines and Autism an Elaborate Fraud

2.When more and more people stop vaccinating, herd immunity dies, which puts people who are immune compromised and can't get the vaccines at far greater risk of developing infectious diseases that they would otherwise have been protected from.

3. When people tell you all about the horrible "poisons" in vaccines, they fail to take into account the AMOUNT of these chemicals that are actually in the vaccines, which is SO miniscule that there is no way it will actually "poison" you.

4. There is no link between SIDS and vaccines. Nobody knows the cause of SIDS, if they did it wouldn't be called "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome". The definition of SIDS is when an autopsy cannot determine the cause of death in the SUDDEN DEATH of an infant. So people swearing that all of this crap causes SIDS is ridiculous, because there's no way for anyone to know that.

5. Doctors are not tricking you into vaccinating, they aren't lying to you, and there is no secret hidden agenda to kill your kid and push vaccines. My daughter is on Medicaid, do you really think her doctor makes millions of dollars off vaccinating her? More like losing money. Doctors are not paid by the number of vaccines they give or prescriptions they write, so people who say that have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

6.Vaccines are so strictly regulated that it takes an average of 15 years and 800 million dollars of the manufacturers money to get a vaccine licensed. Since 1990, the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) has collected statistics from more than 7 million people in health plans who have received vaccines. So after 800 million dollars, 15 years, and 22 years of collecting data, with vaccines still being strongly supported by the medical community, I'm thinking I'll listen to somebody who went to medical school over a celebrity or a facebook page, and you should too.

7. Whenever anyone tells you there is Mercury in vaccines, laugh at them. A lot. There was never mercury in vaccines, there was a Mercury-based preservative, Thimerosal, in most vaccines until 2002 when they started removing it, and as of 2011 the only vaccines that still contain Thimerosal are multi-dose flu shots and tetanus shots. The difference between multi-dose and single-dose flu shots is the packaging, multi-dose is a vial that stores enough vaccine for 10 shots and therefore needs the preservative to keep it from being contaminated by bacteria after opening. Single-dose are just what it says, either a pre-filled syringe or a small plastic container only holding one shot. If you are really that concerned about the presence of Thimerosal, find a clinic offering single-dose shots or just don't get a flu shot at all. CDC Thimerosal and Flu Shots

8. Just because somebody's kid happened to die of SIDS 2 days after getting vaccinated, or developed Tourette's or Asperger's, that does not mean the vaccine is to blame. That's like saying I ate grapes earlier and now I have heartburn, obviously grapes cause heartburn let's put an insert in every grape saying it might give people heartburn. Or hey I watched a scary movie yesterday and now I have an eczema outbreak, scary movies must cause eczema. It's ridiculous.

9. Just because the insert says it, that doesn't mean it has actually been scientifically proven without a doubt to be caused by vaccines. The FDA wants to cover their asses, and therefore anything that hasn't been proven NOT to be caused by vaccines that MAY be linked to vaccines is in the insert. That doesn't mean that when one of the 6,000 rare possible side effects happens to your kid that the vaccine is definitely the cause.

10. Doctors do not make money off vaccines. They do not "push" vaccines because they want to line their pockets. Doctors make nothing off vaccines, and the companies that manufacture then actually LOSE money because insurance companies pay less than what it costs to make them. Doctors push vaccines to protect your child and keep them healthy, not to get rich. Immunize For Good  Study posted in Pediatrics

11. Some people like to say that people who are vaccinated get sick more often than non-vaccinated people, but that is very untrue. The people who say this fail to take into account that way more people are vaccinated than aren't, and they look at numbers and percentages without figuring that part in. If you have 100 people, 85 of them are vaccinated and 15 are not. Say 10 of the vaccinated people got sick, and only 3 of the non-vaccinated ones did. That makes it look like vaccinated people are more likely to get sick, if you fail to account for the fact that there are 70 more vaccinated than unvaccinated, so if you look at percentages according to how many people there were, 20% of the non-vaccinated people got sick, compared to 11.8% of the vaccinated ones. CDC Common Misconceptions About Vaccinating

These are only a few of the reason why you NEED to vaccinate your children. I'm going to post a few links below to reputable, informative vaccine sites. (awesome pro vax site, very informative)
Immunize For Good

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Marriage-More Than A Piece Of Paper

                     Something fairly disturbing has come to my attention as of last night. I posted on a couple of Facebook pages that marriage is more than just a piece of paper and I find it disrespectful to say that, and I think unless you are actually married you should not call each other husband and wife because you ARE NOT married, and if you want the title so bad then get married. Tell a gay person who is fighting for the right to marry their partner of 20 years that all they're fighting for is a stupid piece of paper. People got REALLY offended and upset over it, and most people actually disagreed with me on the subject and said marriage means nothing to them and just because I think it's important, most people actually don't. This appalls me on so many levels, and it shows me why the divorce rate is so high.
                      Marriage is A LOT more than a piece of paper. It is a promise to be with that person through everything for the rest of your lives. It is a promise before God, and it is a legal promise. If two people are in a relationship and they break up, they can break up. No big deal. You just go your separate ways. If you are legitimately married, it takes a lot more to just up and call it quits. Calling somebody your husband or wife when you could easily end up breaking up is just wrong. I understand that the divorce rate is high, but a big reason that it is is because so many people think marriage is just a piece of paper and it's no big deal. If people actually took marriage seriously, maybe it wouldn't be such a huge issue. People think oh if it doesn't work out we can just get divorced, which is a shitty way to think. If I ever get married, it will be because I am 100% sure that I will be with that person for life. I understand that stuff happens and things don't always work out like you planned, but I fully believe that marriage is important and sacred and more people need to realize that and take it seriously.
                      If you want to call each other husband and wife, make it true. If you are just "married in your hearts" if your significant other is on life support, you have no say in their care because you are not married. You don't get insurance benefits from any job they have, and you can't file taxes together (as far as I know, I may be wrong on that one). So no, being "married in your hearts" is not a real marriage. It costs like 30 bucks to go to the court house and get married. You do not need a big fancy wedding so the cost isn't a good excuse either. If you are not married, your boyfriend/girlfriend is not your husband or wife, and it bothers me to no end that people throw those words around like it's nothing, and then get offended if someone has a problem with it.
                       Homosexuals have been fighting for the right to get married for YEARS. Saying it doesn't matter and it's only a piece of paper is disrespectful to them and for everything they've fought to accomplish. Ask a gay man who has been with his partner for 20 years and can't legally get married whether marriage is no big deal and nothing but a piece of paper. In fact, tell him that what he is fighting for isn't important and doesn't matter and see how fast you get slapped. You think it's no big deal until you are denied the right to do it at all, then I bet you would change your mind.
                       People love to use the high divorce rate as an argument against marriage, when actually it is the opposite. What that proves is that too many people DON'T take marriage seriously and think it's only a piece of paper. Getting divorced is considered no big deal, and that's wrong. Divorce should be a LAST resort, not oh I don't love you anymore or I wanna sleep with other people so let's just get divorced. Marriage should be for life, it is a lifetime commitment. If more people thought the way that I do and didn't see it as a joke, divorce wouldn't be as much of a problem.
                     Lastly, I do not care what bs excuse you have for saying marriage isn't important and you call your boyfriend your hubby. Nothing you say is going to change my mind, and getting defensive and offended over it is ridiculous. There is no excuse for doing it unless you are gay, because in a lot of places they can't legally marry. It's a huge slap in the face for people who do take marriage seriously. If you are that determined to be husband and wife, why not actually get married? I've heard people say they don't want to be legally obligated to the other person, and if that's true then you shouldn't marry them, and you shouldn't call them your husband or wife since you obviously have doubts it will last forever and don't wanna be legally obligated to make it last.