Wednesday, March 7, 2012


                 A viral video called Kony 2012 has been circulating all over Facebook. For those of you who haven't seen it, it is about Joseph Kony, who has been trafficking children in Africa for 23 years. He has raped and abused over 30,000 children, forced them to work as sexual slaves for grown men, forced them to work as militants, and made them torture and kill their own parents. It has been going on for decades and nobody knew about it. First off, the fact that nobody was aware that it was happening is messed up, but the people who are now aware of it that are saying who cares, there's nothing we can do to stop it, people are just sheep it's been happening for 23 years and now all of a sudden it's cool to care disgust me. That kind of indifference and shitty me-first attitude is what lets this kind of thing continue, because nobody cares.
                 Snooki's pregnancy has been all over the news and all over the internet, but the murder, rape, and abuse of over 30,000 children went unnoticed. Is it just me, or is that beyond messed up? It says a lot about our society and the world we live in when a reality show airhead getting knocked up is more important than the suffering of thousands of kids. Teen Mom stars make 200,000 dollars a season and are all over tv and magazines and the internet just for getting pregnant while still in high school, while kids in Africa are being beaten and starved and forced into sexual slavery, and nobody seems to have a problem with that. Personally, I find it disgusting and think it speaks for our society as a whole that people care more about celebrity gossip than world issues. If reality TV is more important to you than human suffering, you need to take a good long look in the mirror and think about what kind of person you really are.
                   I have seen an appalling number of people saying they don't care and we can't do anything about it so it's not important, or that it's been happening for decades and we didn't do anything about it so why do we care now. Most people were not aware that this has been going on for decades, and now that we are aware we need to spread the word because IT MATTERS. You're sitting on your laptop or your smartphone in your nice clothes with indoor plumbing and a fridge full of food talking about how HUMAN SUFFERING doesn't matter and isn't important. When have you honestly suffered? When have you been starved and beaten and forced to torture and kill your loved ones, or used as a sex toy at the age of 10? I'm not saying you need to sell all your possessions and donate the money to charity, but the least you can do is care. Ignorance isn't cool. Selfishness isn't cool. Going against the grain and saying you don't give a crap about atrocious crimes being committed against children is horrible and selfish and makes you sound like a terrible person. YOU are the kind of person that allowed these kind of things to keep happening. I cannot stress enough that if everyone was aware of world issues and cared about people other than themselves, something would be done about things like this. People would listen, governments would listen instead of turning a blind eye. INDIFFERENCE is as much to blame for atrocities being allowed to continue as the people who actually commit the heinous acts, and that needs to change.


  1. It happens in Russia along with America and every other country as well

  2. Yes, it's sad that it's happening in Africa but it also happens here and until we can stop it *here* we need not worry about Africa. I was one of those kids who was sold into sexual slavery by my own father. It's horrifying and I was not so much as taken away even though Social Services came in many times. He was given a big pat on the back for being a single dad. So no, I don't think anyone should ever go through that but I think we need to focus on our country first.

  3. Lots of people knew about it, it used to be on the news a lot even. For a while the Peace Corps wasn't even going into Uganda because of how they weren't able to keep their volunteers safe. It's just that lots of people only care about learning what's going on in their own country unless something is brought to their attention.
