Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Marriage-More Than A Piece Of Paper

                     Something fairly disturbing has come to my attention as of last night. I posted on a couple of Facebook pages that marriage is more than just a piece of paper and I find it disrespectful to say that, and I think unless you are actually married you should not call each other husband and wife because you ARE NOT married, and if you want the title so bad then get married. Tell a gay person who is fighting for the right to marry their partner of 20 years that all they're fighting for is a stupid piece of paper. People got REALLY offended and upset over it, and most people actually disagreed with me on the subject and said marriage means nothing to them and just because I think it's important, most people actually don't. This appalls me on so many levels, and it shows me why the divorce rate is so high.
                      Marriage is A LOT more than a piece of paper. It is a promise to be with that person through everything for the rest of your lives. It is a promise before God, and it is a legal promise. If two people are in a relationship and they break up, they can break up. No big deal. You just go your separate ways. If you are legitimately married, it takes a lot more to just up and call it quits. Calling somebody your husband or wife when you could easily end up breaking up is just wrong. I understand that the divorce rate is high, but a big reason that it is is because so many people think marriage is just a piece of paper and it's no big deal. If people actually took marriage seriously, maybe it wouldn't be such a huge issue. People think oh if it doesn't work out we can just get divorced, which is a shitty way to think. If I ever get married, it will be because I am 100% sure that I will be with that person for life. I understand that stuff happens and things don't always work out like you planned, but I fully believe that marriage is important and sacred and more people need to realize that and take it seriously.
                      If you want to call each other husband and wife, make it true. If you are just "married in your hearts" if your significant other is on life support, you have no say in their care because you are not married. You don't get insurance benefits from any job they have, and you can't file taxes together (as far as I know, I may be wrong on that one). So no, being "married in your hearts" is not a real marriage. It costs like 30 bucks to go to the court house and get married. You do not need a big fancy wedding so the cost isn't a good excuse either. If you are not married, your boyfriend/girlfriend is not your husband or wife, and it bothers me to no end that people throw those words around like it's nothing, and then get offended if someone has a problem with it.
                       Homosexuals have been fighting for the right to get married for YEARS. Saying it doesn't matter and it's only a piece of paper is disrespectful to them and for everything they've fought to accomplish. Ask a gay man who has been with his partner for 20 years and can't legally get married whether marriage is no big deal and nothing but a piece of paper. In fact, tell him that what he is fighting for isn't important and doesn't matter and see how fast you get slapped. You think it's no big deal until you are denied the right to do it at all, then I bet you would change your mind.
                       People love to use the high divorce rate as an argument against marriage, when actually it is the opposite. What that proves is that too many people DON'T take marriage seriously and think it's only a piece of paper. Getting divorced is considered no big deal, and that's wrong. Divorce should be a LAST resort, not oh I don't love you anymore or I wanna sleep with other people so let's just get divorced. Marriage should be for life, it is a lifetime commitment. If more people thought the way that I do and didn't see it as a joke, divorce wouldn't be as much of a problem.
                     Lastly, I do not care what bs excuse you have for saying marriage isn't important and you call your boyfriend your hubby. Nothing you say is going to change my mind, and getting defensive and offended over it is ridiculous. There is no excuse for doing it unless you are gay, because in a lot of places they can't legally marry. It's a huge slap in the face for people who do take marriage seriously. If you are that determined to be husband and wife, why not actually get married? I've heard people say they don't want to be legally obligated to the other person, and if that's true then you shouldn't marry them, and you shouldn't call them your husband or wife since you obviously have doubts it will last forever and don't wanna be legally obligated to make it last.


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself!! :)

  2. In my experience, those who are comfortable in their life choices won't even bother getting defensive when someone disagrees with them. They take it for what it is, a difference of opinion, and move on. When one gets riled up over other's opinion of his/her lifestyle( or anything else for that matter) it usually means that somewhere they feel maybe it's not the 100% correct choice.

    1. I agree. I feel as though they must be insecure in their life choices if what I say bothers them so much.

  3. You could easily be my best friend. Seriously. We agree on so much.
